Meeting Maggie

After waiting 3 1/2 LONG years, Ralph’s sister, Jill, and her husband Mark brought their daughter home from China. We were so excited to meet her! She handled all the attention very well as long as Mommy and Daddy stayed close by. 🙂 We are blessed to be a part of her family and look forward to getting to know her better in the coming months and years. God is good!

Blake is 1!

We had a quiet celebration with just the family on Blake’s birthday. We had balloons, etc. waiting for him at breakfast. Elise helped me make the cake which we had after dinner. We made one cake for Blake and one cake for Elise because I had extra batter left! He devoured his cake….LOVED it! What a special addition to our family. We love you, Blake!

Video of Happy Birthday to Blake:

[vimeo clip_id=”40053604″ height=”340″ width=”466″]

Video of Blake enjoying his cake:

[vimeo clip_id=”40053813″ height=”340″ width=”466″]